Friday, April 29, 2011

Intermezzo Show download

So, we had an "intermezzo" show last week. We played some nice 80s mixes which you cannot miss. In the meantime we managed to get a working video system with 2 (possible 3) camera's for the live video stream up and running, together with a new Sound FX's pc. One camera (80s camera, big shoulder cam) was broken, so we took it apart and Walt tries to fix it haha.

So, what are the new idea's for the second part of season 02. Actually, because we really really want to focus more on 80s music stuff, we close the "80s object" and "80s news". Actually, when there is some reall new 80s news available, we will tell you anyway ;)

We try to create more pro SoundFx's and more nice jingles which give just a nice feeling to the show. Focusing most of the time on the music and the artist behind it, is allready great stuff no? Stories will form this way, and we get some more volume out of the show.

Check the show with great 80s mixes here:

The Team

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