Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kick In 2010

Hi All

So the introduction is over and we've got all the shots we need to create something cool! The weather had some downfalls unfortunatly, which resulted in not to much people outside, but luckely some events were happening in the shining sun. Events included the beginning of the intro with the info market and openingsshow, the caravan by tracktor going to the city, teambuildingactivities, the "bestorming van de bastille", worldrecord attemt for hoelahoepen and our workshop ofcourse!

The basic idea was to create a movie during the workshop. Due to time restriction of one hour we "premade" a movie, but left certain scenes out. These scenes had to be filled by the workshop people. After all the shots were made in our primitive living and bedroom, the Flashcard was giving to the final editor (me). The movie had to be ready in 15min! because the group was enjoying a tour in our studio.

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